Booking Hotels and pensions has never been easier ...

HotelsCombined ™ is a free book in one place more than two million hotels in 220 countries

HotelsCombined ™ is a free service for hotel reservations with more than 2 million. Deals from 100+ travel sites hotels worldwide.

Business and private customers made reservations via HotelsCombined ™ in hotels of all categories throughout the world, quickly and free of charge at the current daily special prices.

HotelsCombined ™ is today the largest and one of the leading online booking service for hotels worldwide without the need for a credit card and without Bronirovanie otelej predoplaty worldwide.


Book your accommodation via our website and room key waiting for you at the reception!

You can go where you want and when you want. But as the old saying goes, every journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. And that finding accommodation.

Why spend hours and hours surfing through various websites looking for a hotel that may fit your requirements?

30 offer the largest on-line system in the world, such as Expedia,, in HRS, and still is the only place in Russian.

HotelsCombined ™ offers a quick and easy overview of prices of more than 2000000 of the hotel, in 220 countries, with some 120,000 destinations worldwide, as well as the ability to tailor a trip to suit your taste and specific requirements - by star accommodation, price and location, and Here, the same can instantaneously read comments tourists who are sleeping in the same place

booking system is more than just, even if you are not online - no credit card can book a hotel and pay on the spot. Hotels do not require an advance payment or charge a deposit for a reservation? Reservation only possible need for a visa, on this page, so looking for a hotel.

Take the first step, book through our website and the room key waiting for you at the reception!


We hope you enjoy browsing and email us when you get back!


Booking hotels worldwide - what to look for?

1. Select the first destination, and hotel

Make sure that the place / city / region / country you want to go, because it can become cloudy, the hotel was a lot easier and the choice will suženiji. We'll have to spend a lot of time, if you start the search with the idea to go to Greece, and ten minutes later you look for hotels in Spain and eventually "ended" in Turkey without the desired result.

Hotels have to be beautifully decorated and modern rooms will make every guest feel relax and rest at first sight!   The capacity is one or more beds, or in rooms and specially equipped rooms for disabled people. All rooms are air-conditioned and equipped with TV satellite, direct dial telephone, wireless internet, safe and mini-bar with a wide selection of drinks. The bathrooms are equipped with shower or bath, hairdryer, bathrobe and slippers for the spa.

2. Read the description of the second

Carefully read everything that is written about the selected hotel. See what the hotel offers, pay attention to the number of stars, distance from the beach, in the city center, and similar details. It is best to find a hotel that is close to you, important places and attractions.

3. With the third deals

Do not be disappointed, it is important that when choosing a hotel, to check if the numbers there (wireless) Internet, if he gets a pet, if you need to wear your hair, whether it has a fitness center, swimming pool and the like.

4. Follow filters

On our booking car has filters for health and spa, family and the beach. Of course, there are standard filters: Price (from - to), the number of days of departure and arrival, destination, oparater tour. Choose carefully!

5. Check what is included in the price

It would not be any surprises, please check what is included in the price. Pay special attention to the number of days and nights, and that the final data on the number of persons price that you entered in the filter.

6. A photo

See all the pictures offered to get a visual representation of the room, the environment in the hotel.

7. Departure time and weather

Wherever you travel to check the weather forecast for that period. This is especially true for long-haul destinations. Some areas are preferred trips within a certain period. For example, in Istanbul and Paris go when current prices, i.e. during shopping festival or spring. Vienna and some major German cities are ideal during the Christmas holidays, New York is the best tour for the New Year. Or contrary to what went cheaply, out of the season, when prices are falling sharply in hotels.